Iran's October non Surprise

Over the last year, numerous reports come out from multiple sources across the Middle East and from Western officials forming a clear nexus of predictions over October.

It began with the Counter Punch analysis on April 20th. It describes the war drums to different sources. With headlines as "Will Iran be another October surprise?"

However, on May 10th the seeds of conspiracy blossomed. The "Times of Israel" speculated that enjoying the broadest governing co-relation in history, that the Israeli political climate was ideal for an "October Assault".

On June 23rd, "Business Insider" reported that a senior Israeli official told Reuters that "(Israeli) Prime Minister Natanyahu has made the decision to attack Iran before the US presidential elections".

June 26th, Business Insider in-depth analysis was seemingly confirmed as Israel and US reschedule the largest war games in their history, conveniently for the month of "October".

July 9th, Debkafiles reported a Saudi prince claim that the Saudi kingdom was already making "Appropriate Preparations for the US assault in the same month".

July 29th, Ahud Yari, an Analyst with Israel's "Channel 2" reported US officials to be "convinced that there is high chance that Israel will attack Iran before novenber"

August 7th, the "Washington Free Beacon" reported that Israel is preparing for attack on Iran in October.

August 13th, Debkafiles claimed that Iran can build a Nuclear weapon by October 1st.

If Iran is attacked, on thing is clear that "It's no October Surprise! rather a Promise fulfilled"

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